Workshop program

Friday, May 17, 9:00am - 4:30pm

9:00am - 9:30am Breakfast
9:30am - 10:00am From research to commercialization in NYC
Peter Bell (HackNY)
10:00am - 10:30am Bait and Snitch: Using Deception to Defend Computer Systems
Jon Voris (Columbia University)
10:30am - 11:00am Candidate Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices
Shai Halevi (IBM)
11:00am - 11:30am Coffee break
11:30am - 12:00pm Adaptive Defenses for Commodity Software through Virtual Application Partitioning
Georgios Portokalidis (Stevens Institute of Technology)
12:00pm - 12:30pm Remote Data Integrity Checking with Server-side Repair
Bo Chen (NJIT)
12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00pm - 2:10pm Welcome from the Dean of the School of Engineering & Science
Michael Bruno (Stevens Institute of Technology)
2:10pm - 2:40pm Differentially Private Modeling of Human Mobility at Metropolitan Scales
Rebecca Wright (Rutgers University)
2:40pm - 3:10pm Profiling High-School Students: How Online Privacy Laws Can Actually Increase Minors' Risk
Keith Ross (NYU-poly)
3:10pm - 3:30pm Coffee break
3:30pm - 4:00pm How to verifiably and privately outsource computation
Nishanth Chandran (AT&T Security Research Center)
4:00pm - 4:30pm Broadcast Steganography
Nelly Fazio (CCNY, CUNY)


From research to commercialization in NYC

Peter Bell (HackNY)

You've got a great idea, but how do you go from an interesting concept to a successful business? In this talk we'll look at how to think about creating a new business and some of the resources available in New York for building a successful technology business.

Bait and Snitch: Using Deception to Defend Computer Systems

Jon Vorris (Columbia University)

No matter how well protected computer systems are, the presence of human induced factors such as programming bugs, configuration errors, and insider activity leaves them potentially vulnerable to attack. This presentation discusses how deception based techniques can be applied to secure computational resources despite these issues. The overall idea behind this approach is to seed a system with "decoy" data that appears authentic but is in fact spurious. This content serves as a behavioral sensor that can be monitored in order to detect malicious activity. Security solutions based on decoy material are particularly appealing because they can detect attacks that are beyond the scope of traditional security measures. Further, they can be used both proactively and as a last line of defense when all other measures have been exhausted. This talk will present recent work on improving and expanding the functionality of decoys.

Candidate Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices

Shai Halevi (IBM)

Abstract: We describe plausible lattice-based constructions with properties that approximate the sought-after multilinear maps in hard-discrete-logarithm groups, and show an example application of such multilinear maps that can be realized using our approximation. The security of our constructions relies on seemingly hard problems in ideal lattices, which can be viewed as extensions of the assumed hardness of the NTRU function.

Adaptive Defenses for Commodity Software through Virtual Application Partitioning

Georgios Portokalidis (Stevens Institute of Technology)

Applications can be logically separated to parts that face different types of threats, or suffer dissimilar exposure to a particular threat because of external events or innate properties of the software. Based on this observation, we propose the virtual partitioning of applications that will allow the selective and targeted application of those protection mechanisms that are most needed on each partition, or manage an application's attack surface by protecting the most exposed partition. We demonstrate the value of our scheme by introducing a methodology to automatically partition software, based on the intrinsic property of user authentication. Our approach is able to automatically determine the point where users authenticate, without access to source code. At runtime, we employ a monitor that utilizes the identified authentication points, as well as events like accessing specific files, to partition execution and adapt defenses by switching between protection mechanisms of varied intensity, such as dynamic taint analysis and instruction-set randomization. We evaluate our approach using seven well-known network applications, including the MySQL database server. Our results indicate that our methodology can accurately discover authentication points.

Remote Data Integrity Checking with Server-side Repair

Bo Chen (NJIT)

Remote Data integrity Checking (RDC) allows clients to efficiently check the integrity of data stored at untrusted servers. This allows data owners to assess the risk of outsourcing data in the untrusted third parity, making RDC a valuable tool for data auditing. Distributed storage systems store data redundantly at multiple servers which are geographically spread throughout the world. This basic approach would be sufficient in handling server failure due to natural faults, because when one server fails, data from healthy servers can be used to restore the desired redundancy level. However, in a setting where servers are untrusted and can behave maliciously, data redundancy must be used in tandem with RDC to ensure that the redundancy level of the storage systems is maintained over time.

All previous RDC schemes for distributed systems impose a heavy burden on the data owner (client) during data maintenance: To repair data at a faulty server, the data owner needs to first download a large amount of data, re-generate the data to be stored at a new server, and then upload this data at a new healthy server. We propose RDC-SR, a novel RDC scheme for replication-based distributed storage systems. RDC-SR enables Server-side Repair (thus taking advantage of the premium connections available between a CSP's data centers) and places a minimal load on the data owner who only has to act as a repair coordinator. Our prototype for RDC-SR built on Amazon AWS validates the practicality of this new approach.

Differentially Private Modeling of Human Mobility at Metropolitan Scales

Rebecca Wright (Rutgers University)

Models of human mobility have wide applicability in fields such as infrastructure and resource planning, analysis of infectious disease dynamics, and ecology. The abundance of spatio-temporal data from cellular telephone networks affords opportunities to construct such models, but there are privacy concerns about the release and wider use of such models. In response to such privacy concerns, our work seeks to to adapt the WHERE approach for modeling human mobility in metropolitan areas [Isaacman et al., MobiSys 2012] to be differentially private. Differential privacy [Dwork et al., TCC 2006] is a notion of privacy that, through a mathematical requirement on the results of interactions with data, captures the intuition that a database provides privacy if an individual?s risk of being identified is almost the same whether or not they are in the database. This is a strong notion of privacy that makes no assumptions about the power or background knowledge of a potential adversary.

Starting with Call Detail Records (CDRs) from a cellular telephone network that have gone through a straightforward anonymization procedure, WHERE produces synthetic CDRs for a synthetic population. WHERE has been experimentally validated against billions of location samples for hundreds of thousands of cell phones in the New York and Los Angeles metropolitan areas. This talk will describe our work in progress to ensure that the resulting synthetic CDRs are provably private by modifying WHERE to be differentially private. The aim is to enable the creation and possible release of synthetic CDRs that capture the mobility patterns of real metropolitan populations while preserving individual privacy.

Profiling High-School Students: How Online Privacy Laws Can Actually Increase Minors' Risk

Keith Ross (NYU-Poly)

Lawmakers, children's advocacy groups and modern society at large recognize the importance of protecting the Internet privacy of minors (under 18 years of age). Online Social Networks, in particular, take precautions to prevent third parties from using their services to discover and profile minors. These precautions include banning young children from joining, not listing minors when searching for users by high school or city, and displaying only minimal information in registered minors' public profiles, no matter how they configure their privacy settings.

In this paper we show how an attacker, with modest measurement and computational resources, and employing data mining heuristics, can circumvent these precautions to discover and profile most of the high school students in a targeted geographical area (e.g., a medium-sized city). In particular, using Facebook and for a given target high school, we construct an attack that finds most of the students in the school, and for each discovered student infers a profile that includes significantly more information than is available in a registered minor's public profile. An attacker could use such profiles for many nefarious purposes, including selling the profiles to data brokers, large-scale automated spear-phishing attacks on minors, as well as physical safety attacks such as stalking, kidnapping and arranging meetings for sexual abuse.

Ironically, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), a law designed to protect the privacy of children, indirectly facilitates the attack. In order to bypass restrictions put in place due to the COPPA law, some children lie about their ages when registering, which not only increases the exposure for themselves but also for their non-lying friends. Our analysis strongly suggests there would be significantly less potential for privacy leakage to third parties in a world without the COPPA law.

How to verifiably and privately outsource computation

Nishanth Chandran (AT&T Security Research Center)

Cloud computation enables users with computationally weak devices to outsource their computation to a server (aka the cloud). The recent widespread use of cloud computation services provided by several companies has led cryptographers to focus on the security aspects of outsourcing computation. In particular, there have been a number of proposals for verifiable computation that allow a weak client to obtain the correct outcome of a computation, without revealing anything about the client's inputs to the server. However, all proposed solutions are highly inefficient in practice, due to their reliance on fully homomorphic encryption. We show how to overcome the drawbacks of these schemes by working in a model where the client outsources his computation to multiple servers.

Broadcast Steganography

Nelly Fazio (CCNY, CUNY)

We initiate the study of broadcast steganography (BS), an extension of steganography to the multi-recipient setting. BS enables a sender to communicate covertly with a dynamically designated set of receivers, so that the recipients recover the original content, while unauthorized users and outsiders remain _unaware_ of the covert communication. One of our main technical contributions is the introduction of a new variant of anonymous broadcast steganography that we term _anonymous identity-based encryption with pseudorandom ciphertexts_ (oABE$). Our oABE$ construction achieves sublinear ciphertext size and is secure in the standard model. Besides being of interest in its own right, oABE$ enables an efficient construction of BS secure in the standard model against adaptive adversaries that also features sublinear ciphertexts.

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